
Monday, March 17, 2014

USGS Lecture Series

Did you know the U.S. Geological Society hosts monthly lectures? Scientists speak to the general public on a variety of topics.

Last month the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, hosted a lecture on the 1964 Alaska earthquake by George Plafker. The 9.2 quake, the second largest ever recorded, and ensuing tsunami devastated southern Alaska with effects as far away as Louisiana. Land rose as much as 38 feet in some areas and dropped by as much as 8 feet in others. This event resulted in widespread acceptance of plate tectonics and the megathrust faulting that occurs when one plate subducts under another. Mr. Plafker was one of three geologists sent to map the area immediately after the earthquake and is the geologist who first recognized and named megathrust faulting fifty years ago.

Check their calendar to read about upcoming lectures. For example, next week Dan Cayan presents Preparing for California Climate Change. Can't get there? The site has a link to the live video lecture as well as an archive of previous lectures.

Other USGS regional offices have monthly lectures, too. What a wonderful public service! Good science and active participation by the audience result in a stimulating evening. I hope you get to one soon - in person or online.

Fret not; enjoy the day.

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