
Saturday, July 11, 2015

First Zig Zag Log Cabin Quilted

The first zigzag log cabin is quilted.

Dark blue, red, green purple, brown and black alternate with pastel and white fabrics to create the log cabin block.
Zig Zag Log Cabin
I used a bit of this fabric in the New York Beauties. (Do you see it near the top?) It's been in my stash for a while.

Back of Zigzag Log Cabin

Here's a detail view. The quilting mimics the zigzags and the spacing of the stitching adds interest. The light areas are quilted with yellow Gutermann cotton thread while the dark areas have navy thread.

Back of Zigzag Log Cabin, Detail

The front and back don't match each other but it was fun to use this cheerful print for a San Francisco Giants fan or just as a change of color. Hopefully the young recipient will like it.

Zigzag Log Cabin, folded

Quilt Details
Size: 44" x 44"
Pattern: Log Cabin, zigzag variation
Batting: Mountain Mist Cream Rose 100% cotton
Thread: Gutermann cotton sewing thread in navy and gold
Quilting: Straight line with walking foot

I'm not much of a knitter but I bought the Hitchhiker shawlette pattern by Martina Behm. I wanted something to work on while travelling. The sawtooth border is such fun. Much more practice is required.

Hitchhiker pattern by Martina Behm 

Enjoy the day, Ann


  1. oh it's spectacular! I love a log cabin, so many settings. All those patterns and scraps. The backing is perfecto. It's a lesson for me to use the cool stuff on the back so you see it in a big chunk. LeeAnna

    1. Thanks, LeAnna. I'm glad I used some good stuff on the back. It has a very nice hand. And log cabin was the first quilt I ever made; still love them.

  2. Love log cabins as a rule and yours is fantastic Ann! Those fabulous scrappy colors made me exclaim Wow! as soon as I opened your web page. Love the quilting you did too - especially how the zigzags look on the back. Was this another of the quilts you are making for your son's friends?

    1. Thanks for all the compliments, Lara. This is a toddler quilt for a friend. I think I'm through with roommate quilts.... for a while.

  3. I love the way you have set your blocks, and always like a scrappy quilt. The backing fabric is a lot of fun too. As for knitting, I'm hopeless but do look with longing at pretty things like your sawtooth border; it will be lovely.

    1. Thanks, Kaja. It's fun to try different settings. These look good on a small quilt but not sure how they'd look on a bed size quilt. I'm not much of a knitter either. Fortunately, this is a beginner pattern. I can see my tension mistakes but like it anyway. It's perfect to work on while traveling.

  4. Stunning setting for this Log Cabin and I do like the straight line quilting following the zigzag.

    1. Thanks, Maureen. That straight line quilting took a bit longer than I thought it would but I like it, tpp.

  5. What a great way to stitch your quilt! I really like the texture and interest it adds.:)

    1. Thanks, Audrey. I'm surprised how well the spacing came out.

  6. Wow, I didn't realize how tiny those log cabins are until I read your measurements. That's dedication! Great finish! Kat @

    1. Thanks, Kat. Pieces that small sure make the fabrics glow. They were fun for a while but I'm ready for a different leader/ender.

  7. I'm thinking of starting that shawl pattern. I'm a beginning knitter but it looked like something I could do. Are you enjoying making it?

    1. I am enjoying it. If you buy the pattern, she has a short video (on YouTube?) to demonstrate how to get the little points on the edge of the shawl. Good for a beginner although I restarted it 5 or 6 times before I was happy.

    2. I thought restarting 5-6 times was part of the knitting process. ;)
