
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Propellers and Planes in the Fall 2015 Blogger's Quilt Festival

I've always wanted to make an airplane quilt - partly from memories of watching them with my grandfather and more recently because I have sons. When I saw some blocks made with the Steam Punk pattern, I knew it was time to start. I pulled all my vintage/special fabrics, bought more, and combined them into a personal memory quilt. Spurring me on... I desperately need a quilt large enough for our California king bed.

Propellers and Planes quilt

Upon completing a few blocks I loved the density of the fabrics when the blocks are set side by side without sashing.

Propeller quilt blocks
Collage 2 of Steam Punk quilt blocks

However, that layout would be a piecing nightmare with so many points to be matched and thick seams pointing the same direction. Additionally, I wanted more variation on such a large quilt. So I drafted some larger blocks and sawtooth sashing, combining them with groups of four small blocks.

For more fun, I drafted and improvisationally pieced a squadron of 30" planes for the back. I've never gotten a photo of the entire back but I snapped several partial views at our guild show.

A squadron of single prop planes flies across the quilt back.

When you make a quilt "just for you" it's always scary to send it out into the world. What will other people think? I've been honored that so many people have stopped to talk with me about the fabric combinations. There is something for almost everyone on it: bicycles, models, dogs, birds, fish and flowers, vintage and modern. Those novelty prints plus remnants from gifts made for family and friends make it my perfect memory quilt. I am blessed to sleep under it every night.

A selection of the fabrics in this quilt

Here is my last post about this quilt with links to many construction steps.

Quilt Details
Size: 118"(H) x 118"(W)
Pattern: Based on Steam Punk 
Batting: Pellon cotton
Thread: Auriful 50/2 cotton sewing threads
Quilting: Free motion quilting on a home machine

I'm entering it in the Large Quilt category of the Blogger's Festival at Amy's Creative Side. Take the time to look at all the wonderfully diverse quilts.

Enjoy the day, Ann


  1. love your quilt ! especially all the special memory fabrics that you included xoxo

    1. Thanks, Pam. Quilts are already layered; memory fabrics and the events they commemorate add a special extra layer. It makes them so precious, doesn't it.

  2. What a treasure you have created Ann - wonderful to see this full photo of your quilt. The very best of luck in the show!!

    1. It was so hard to get a photo of this entire quilt. It has a lot of special memories for me. I enjoyed reading through this online show last time so thought I'd join in now.

  3. Love your setting for this quilt. The sawtooth sashing makes for a great separation to better appreciate your wonderful blocks!

    1. Thanks, Audrey. Those sawteeth are my piecing equivalent of your delightful applique :-)

  4. This is a fabulous quilt, I don't think I'd every get tired of exploring all the fabrics and color nuances in each block. The sawtooth sashings really set off your quilt blocks beautifully. And I'm in awe that you quilted something this huge on your home machine!

    1. What a lovely compliment. Thanks. It's like a photo album to me - lots of good memories in those fabrics. This is the limit of my quilting ability. So big and heavy.

  5. Such an inventive layout -SO much to look at and enjoy! And the airplanes on the back ... Congratulations on a fabulous quilt.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Julie. The planes amused me, too.

  6. I've always liked this a lot - the variation in block size, the sawtooth sashing, the scrappy fabrics. I'm glad to hear you are using it!

    1. Thanks, Kaja. They don't always come out as well as expected. I thought this turned out well, but always wonder if it's because of the fabric memories. You know, "something only a mother could love."

  7. Fabulous quilt, You've used contrast and light and dark so well. Pleasing to look at.

    1. Thanks, Janie. Adding the dark sawteeth helped, didn't it.

  8. This is an absolutely amazing quilt ...the design and color combinations, etc...make it just leap off the page.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Deb. I do like odd colors.

  9. Jeepers, 118" square! I didn't realize it was that big. I am really inspired to learn that you quilted it yourself on a home machine. Gives me hope!

    And I still love it, of course, especially the mix of small and large propellers. Good luck!

    1. It is hard to tell size on the internet. I like the propeller size variation, too. My arms are much stronger after all this heavy lifting and shifting. ;-)

  10. What a gorgeous quilt! I believe the quilts made "just for you" are the best, singing from the deepest of deep places in our hearts. This one is a classic example of it. I am simply amazed by it! Love it!

    1. What a lovely phrase, "singing from the deepest of deep places in our hearts." I agree with you; they are quilts that always resonate with us. I hope to see you in the Bay Area soon.

  11. I love everything about, love, love.

    1. Thanks, Cathy. I enjoy everything about this quilt, too.

  12. Wow - that's fantastic. That's a unique way to combine the steam punk blocks and they look great. I'm glad you love it and use it too.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Wendy. Isn't it great to use our best and favorite things! Who will ever like it more than the maker?

  13. This is a treasure indeed! I love the idea of a memory quilt, and you have made a real beauty of yours!!!!

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I always enjoy quilts people have made to memorialize important things in their lives. The love shines through. I hope mine has the same effect.

  14. This is a gorgeous quilt. I've never seen one like this before. Love it!!!!

    1. Thanks for writing, Ariane. I'm glad you like it.

  15. I was SO excited to see this quilt in the Blogger's festival. Voted for you too!! PIQF can be pretty overwhelming especially with one day to walk through and when I saw this I was - wowed - I love the use of mixed scale and the on point gave such a uniqueness. Steam punk was one of those quilt alongs that I watched from afar. Great job.

    1. How kind of you, Karen. Big shows are overwhelming. These online shows are, too, but they stay up longer and we can attend in our jammies. I was a bit late for the original quilt along. I notice there's a new group starting up with some great color schemes. Thanks for the vote. I hope to get to Pajaro Valley again this year.

  16. What a fabulous version of Steampunk--I love it!

    1. Thanks, Karen. Once I started making changes, it just continued.

  17. Simply sensational. I love this quilt. It's very inspirational. The crazy fabric combinations are brilliant. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I'm so glad you like it. They are crazy fabric combinations but they seem to work. And they were much more fun this way.

  18. Wonderful!! I love the different size propeller blocks, the sawtooth borders and the many different and fun fabrics!! So much to look at! Was this on display at PIQF? I remember one like it.

    1. Thanks for writing, Helen. Yes, it was in PIQF. My first entry ever there. It's also the largest quilt I ever quilted or will ever quilt. The max of my home machine.

    2. I took quite a few pictures of it: I thought it was so beautiful! Congrats on such a wonderful piece! :-)
