
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bordering Rhythmic Grid

Adding the borders to Rhythmic Grid this week.

There wasn't enough fabric in original green centers (bottom left.) Someone had cut the piece on the diagonal and refolded the remnant. So I got to add two leftovers from kaleidoscope to fill it out. I like them even better than my first choice.

BTW, you can see at the top how I'm waiting to cut the final rectangle for the border until the other pieces are sewn. I want to make sure the width is close to what's needed.

Adding the border, Rhythmic Grid

But now the blue gingham jars. I replaced some with the last of the brown. It's coming along

Dark brown replaces some blue gingham
in the border of Rhythmic Grid.
Enjoy the day, Ann


  1. I absolutely love your addition of blue gingham and taupe. It's so unexpected, it's delightful. Very inspiring!!

    1. What a heartwarming note. Thanks for writing.

  2. Yes, and I would call the gingham surprising, rather than jarring. I like the way this is shaping up!

    1. That's kind of you, Sue. It seemed to go with the original set of six fabrics when I first pulled them. The layout makes an abrupt color change. I'm thinking.

  3. So interesting to see this develop! The gingham adds a lovely vintage looking touch.:)

    1. Thanks, Audrey. It certainly was fun to pull this limited pallette. It's surprising how different they look when cut.

  4. I like your blue gingham, looks good as your border.

    1. I do like the fabric, I think it's the hard line created by the row.

  5. It's interesting watching you work with such a limited range of colours. I like the addition of the gingham, and the way you have broken it up a bit in the border with more brown. Don't know exactly why but watching you do this is sparking off lots of ideas - thanks!

    1. I agree with you, Kaja. Even though the official score wants a complete fabric switch for the outer rows, I prefer the brown scooting in a bit. The blue gingham is a favorite of mine. It's also very loud. {What a surprise.} And what fun it will be to see how this sparked your idea.

    2. The 'official score' meaning a score in 'Improv Quilter's Handbook'? Just curious what recipe you're using.
      Speaking of which, one of my fav. parts of Sheri Lynn Wood's book is where she says to 'try letting go of negative predictions'. Great insight.

    3. Yes, Janie. Sherri's score calls for a switch of all three fabrics for an outer border on both sides. Of course, it's mine and it's improvisational - both sufficient reasons to make my own choices. I actually thought I would like it the way she suggested but it still seems too abrupt. Perhaps because of the values. I'd like to figure out why.

  6. Haha - I LOVE the blue gingham!!! Maybe because it looks so bold and changes the direction of the rhythm? (Why am I soooo behind in catching up with you?! Aargh!)

    1. I like it, too. But I'm glad I added some of the brown to soften the hard edge of the border. The gingham is printed, not woven. I love the strong, clear color.
      As far as catching up... I have serious issues. My computer keeps dying; usually in the middle of typing. So I lose all that stuff. I guess I'll sit in the corner and sew. Ha.
