
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Round and Round on Ocean Waves V

186,000 miles per second is not just a good idea, it's the law.
~Albert Einstein


This is the fourth round and I think there's enough for a fifth. Wow. Someone cut way too many QSTs. At least they are all going into this final Ocean Waves quilt. Although I've complained about the repetitive sewing I want to finish this quilt. 

Ocean Waves V in progress, starting round 4 

And here it is with the next round of triangles sewn. 

Ocean Waves V in progress, round 4 finished

There's at least a yard of the fabric used for Bramble Blossom #1 stems that might make work in the border here. Using up more stash stuff. Win/win.

Kawandi placemats in blues

Meanwhile I've continued working on the kawandi placemats. Four finished; all with this soft brown plaid backing. My previous set is multicolored. With Fiesta plates in a variety of colors, it seemed more monochromatic placemats would better set them off. The top left print on the left-most placemat is a gift from Sujata Shah who is visiting this year. We'll certainly be eating off these. 

The center of BB1 is basted. The next step is machine appliqueing them. Then I can start on some borders. Way behind but still plugging along... very slowly.

Enjoy the day, Ann


  1. The ocean wave quilt look so good! It is going to be a beautiful quilt! The placemats are lovely!

  2. WOW just lovely Ocean Wave quilts--and I really like the Kawandi placemats--so pretty with your fiesta Ware I'll bet;)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Ocean Wave V....since there are seven seas will you have two more OWs eventually? LOL.

  4. Ocean Waves 4 is looking so good and you're nearly at the finish line, apart from the quilting of course! So, we're all now waiting for Ocean WavesV to make an appearance. I love your soft colours in the Kawandi placemats, it's going to be a delight to find these under your dinner plate.

  5. You are amazing! I haven't even made one Ocean Waves and here you are on Number 5. Wow! Love the Kawandi placemats. So sweet and feminine.

  6. I really like your placemats and so want to make a cloth. I might have to just jump in.

  7. Your ocean waves is so wonderful - all of them have been. Pretty placemats, too.

  8. Good for you for sticking with Ocean Waves - it's coming together beautifully. And your new placemats are very pretty too.
