Saturday, November 25, 2017

Start Your Engines

There are plenty of quilts at my house, all the Great Debaters have been gifted, but I have a never-ending need for baby and toddler quilts. Usually these are made from project leftovers and scraps because it keeps the fabric moving. I rarely tell the mothers because non-quilters don't understand the modern usage of 'scrap.' Frequently they think it's used fabric... or that you found it on the roadside rather than paying good money for it.

Here are the leftovers from Propellers and Planes. "Oh, look, Sally. Look, look." {Who remembers Dick and Jane?} Enough for a baby quilt.

I tried an asymmetrical layout but it just doesn't speak to me.

Propeller quilt block layout
UIKEYINPUTDOWNARROWPossible layout for Propeller quilt

Here's the way I like it best.

Propeller quilt block layout
Final layout for Propeller blocks

Now to find some sashing fabric.

Enjoy the day, Ann


Angie in SoCal said...

That is going to be one gorgeous baby quilt! Share it at Lets Make Baby Quilts - Michelle will love it. Off to find my orphan blocks.

Ann said...

I never heard of that site before. I’ll check it out. Thanks, Angie.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Going to be lovely!

I am making these blocks here and there via applique :)

Robin said...

I like both settings. It's always a bonus to have something partially made before you start. The fabrics in these blocks are exciting and fun.

Ann said...

I hadn't seen them as applique. Enjoy!

Ann said...

It certainly is wonderful to have this small stash. So much faster. Haha.
I do enjoy the fabrics.

Cathy said...

I just love those blocks. I can't believe you had any leftover blocks after making your quilt let alone enough for a baby quilt. Wonderful! And I do remember Dick and Jane, Spot and Puff.

Ann said...

Puff! How could I forget the cat?
I'm surprised how well these leftovers work together.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

OMG! I love those blocks! Such a dramatic baby quilt they make!

Janie said...

Quilts are a good gift for little ones.
Nice colors and pattern. I'm sure it will be appreciated.

Kaja said...

I love Propellers and Planes, so it stands to reason I would like the leftovers. I also like very much the idea of baby quilts that use unexpected colour schemes (QuiltSwissy is right - this is dramatic).

Ann said...

Thanks, Glen. I hadn't considered them dramatic but am surprised how well this small group works together.

Ann said...

Thanks, Janie. I agree that quilts make wonderful gifts. Always nice to have a clean place to set the baby. Haha.

Ann said...

Thanks, Kaja. It is an unusual color scheme and I'm just glad these last few work together.

Mel Beach said...

Oooh...I loved the original quilt. Can't wait to see how this Spin Off quilt progresses!!

Ann said...

Great name, Mel. Spin Off. I love it. Thanks!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

It will be a wonderful small quilt, love the 2nd setting too.

Ann said...

Thanks, Linda. I'm glad you like that layout too.

Shelina said...

This is such a great quilt! Love the variety of fabrics and beautiful blocks. Either layout will be gorgeous. When I told someone it was a scrap quilt, she too was thinking I had done some dumpster diving to find the fabric.

Ann said...

Multi-fabric quilt is so affected but honestly, I get tired of people thinking scrap quilts are really made of scraps these days. And we sit with a candle to sew.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I am looking forward to seeing what fabric you choose for your sashing. Scrap Quilts are the best!

Ann said...

We both agree on that. I enjoy seeing your scrap quilts too.

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh I do like these b locks of yours and the setting you're working on is perfect for a small quilt - good luck with choosing the sashing!

patty a. said...

That is going to be a cute quilt! I always need small quilts to giveaway. I have been using up pink scraps and yardage. I have a post for tomorrow talking about using up leftover blocks and end cuts not big enough for the block I was going for. I agree - scraps are good stuff! My problem is I have way too much good stuff! LOL!!! Maybe we need to come up with another name for scraps ... Little gems? Precious nuggets?

Monica said...

I love these blocks and the fabrics you used. And I like both layouts!

audrey said...

So true about the scrap fabric misunderstandings from non-quilters. It's still the same price per yard, but now it's in much smaller pieces.:) Love these blocks for a baby quilt. It's always a joy to play and/or see these smaller versions and who better to gift them to than an uncritical baby?

Ann said...

Thanks, Maureen. I need several baby quilts soon and I'm glad these look good together.

Ann said...

Yes, these little quilts are perfect baby gifts and I need so many of them these days. I look forward to your post tomorrow. It's hard for me to throw away so much useable fabric so I rarely do. But sometimes it feels like all I do is work with the leftovers. When do I get the new stuff?

Ann said...

Thanks, Monica. These blocks can be very sophisticated or bright and fun.

Ann said...

Love it, Audrey. The small bits did cost the same amount. I'll remember your comment. I find layouts vary widely depending on how large the quilt finishes. What looks good as a queen rarely looks good as a king or baby quilt. It does give us more ways to play with layouts.

patty a. said...

I feel the same way - when do I get new stuff? I am going to continue to try and not buy new fabric until I make a dent in the scraps and stash I already have. I have some really great stuff that I have never even cut so I need to use it first.

Nann said...

Centering the large block will work better, I think. If you were making a wallhanging, maybe asymmetrical. Now I will look for your P&P quilt.

Nann said...

I did find it. Oh. WOW!!

Ann said...

My thoughts exactly, Nann. Also it to be a bit larger than the blocks themselves and the idea of sashing doesn't work with the asymmetrical one.

Ann said...

Glad you like it. Me too. It's on our bed now.