Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Chinese Coins Improv String Finished and AHIQ Linkup #2

I chose to square off the edges with a ruler, then quilted and bound the Chinese Coins improv string with a very soft pink solid. Light bindings attract me more these days.

Chinese Coins Improv String quilt

My first quilting idea was a combination of lines and circles like one of these sketches but Tami suggested a freehand diamond grid. Much more in keeping with the quilt. (Thanks, Tami!)

Quilting design sketches
Detail photos.

Chinese Coins improv string detail with red column

Chinese Coins improv string detail with crosscut column

Quilt Details
Size: 65"(H) x 57"(W)
Pattern: Improvisational Chinese Coins
Batting: Mountain Mist Cream Rose 100% cotton
Thread: Auriful 50/2 cotton threads in pink
Quilting: Walking foot

More information about creating this quilt on these posts:
1. Beginning Improv String Quilt
2. Improv String Quilt Pieced

Enjoy the day,

InLinkz removed because site was hacked.


Kaja said...

Good choices, I think, with both the binding and the quilting. I never think of using a light colour for the binding but am making a mental note, as this is really successful. I love how the two red strips sit amongst the other colours in this one.

VivJM said...

I like the light coloured binding too - I think it's what allows the red to really sing. Lovely quilt.

LA Paylor said...

because you used so much pattern and color, the line takes center stage. Repeating line. It's very graphic. Good choice on the quilting... it's a great foil for the vertical lines.

Julierose said...

I love your improv Chinese Coins--lovely quilting lines, too...I think those red strips really make it...hugs, Julierose

Lisa J. said...

Very beautiful! Now I want to make one as well.

Mystic Quilter said...

I love strips and strings so this one is glorious! Just like Lisa above - I shall have to make one and should make a dent in my two tubs of strings and strips!

Monica said...

Wow, it looks gorgeous! I love all those greens.

I'm so relieved to learn that I have until Monday to link up! I just can't seem to create on schedule. Back again soon!

Ann said...

Like you, I used dark bindings exclusively for years. The light pink was a good choice. I'm also amazed how much better this quilt looks in these finished photos than the "in-process" ones. I'm still trying to figure out if it's the lighting, the trimmed edges, the binding or something else.

Ann said...

I hadn't noticed that before. You're right. Thanks for writing, Viv.

Ann said...

I think you're right about quilting versus the top. I must remember to KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly!) It helps to have good advice from friends.

Ann said...

Thanks, Julierose. It's a fun way to use scraps and strings. The quilt looks better finished. I guess most of them do. Must get busy. ;-)

Ann said...

Thanks for writing, Lisa. I want to see yours! It was a fun, easy quilt to make.

Ann said...

Hi, Maureen. Isn't that our constant battle - UTS - Use Those Strings! I look forward to seeing something fabulous from you with all your glorious fabrics.

Ann said...

Thanks, Monica. I'm relieved you are going to link up again! I look forward to the post. See you soon.

audrey said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! It sparkles and glows and seems very lively. I think that smaller red/white bits are genius (striped fabric?). Your slivers of fabric breaking up the vertical rows do a marvelous job and the binding color is perfect. The quilt always knows best! Wonderful what a little bit of quilting texture can do for a quilt top too. It never ceases to amaze me. I'm running behind this week, will hopefully get to some improv. in the next couple days.:)

Ann said...

Every once in a while I take a great photo. The light was so good that day; no shadows across the left side or bottom. I guess the stars aligned perfectly that day. ;-) Yes, the red and white are striped fabrics. Now that I know how well they work, I'm on the lookout for more. You're right; quilting and binding really improved this quilt. [At this point, my mother would say something about a good haircut and tailored clothes doing the same for humans.]
I've enjoyed your posts this month, too. And keep pinky promising to try applique.

Stephie said...

Another marvellous finish Ann! I love the way this one came out after quilting, great choice of line. I'm so glad you did it free hand, I think it really adds to the feel of the quilt. How big is this one? Is it lap quilt size? You're on a roll at the moment with some glorious finishes - congratulations!

Ann said...

Thanks, Stephie. I think it would have looked better with some of your big stitches but don't see that in my future. I am enjoying simpler freehand work with the walking foot. And there are several more queued up. (Isn't that always they way with quilters?) It's lap size. I so enjoy reading your color and value posts. You have good insights.

Linda said...

Lovely selection of colours in your Coins. Like the quilting idea that you chose.

Ann said...

Thanks, Linda. I think I'm on a pink streak.

Carli The Quilter said...

Thanks for hosting this linky party!

Carli The Quilter said...

And I love your Chinese Coins Improv! Glorious colors and business, I love it!

Ann said...

Thanks for adding some interesting posts to the linky, Caroline. This is going to be a great place to discuss and get differing viewpoints.

Kat said...

What a lovely, fun scrap quilt! Great job!

Ann said...

Thanks, Kat. I enjoyed making it.