Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Beginning Freddy Dot Com Quilt

This is what I finished by the end of the class.

Sixteen blocks from Freddy Dot Com class

And this is what I finished by the end of the week. Forty-two nine-inch blocks set 6 by 7.

Blocks for center of Polka Dot quilt

Because I didn't use Freddy template (I had a similar set for a similar design), my quilt has more background than Freddy's. My arcs are narrower, too. I think her design is more colorful. If I make it again, I'll incorporate those differences.

Here's a good photo of one of Freddy's quilts.

Enjoy the day, Ann


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

i really like the low volum look of this quilt. this is how I try to make it, but never get it quite there! Maybe we need to sit together........

Quilting Babcia said...

What a fun quilt, I love it!

LA Paylor said...

I'm in love with yours. I like all the backgrounds showing, and want to make one too. I've always loved a drunkards path, and all variations. This one is like my grand mothers except she pieced strings for the backgrounds. I hand quilted the top she left. Wish I had her pattern, but it was from the forties. LeeAnna

Lara B. said...

Really loving your rendition Ann! The background fabrics are so beautiful that they deserve a little more showcasing.

em's scrapbag said...

I'm thinking it looks great! I like all your different low volume backgrounds

Ann said...

Let's! I wasn't trying for low volume but I got there. Now I think mediums for the background would have been better. But this is still fine and I'm learning more about fabric choices. One of my goals for this workshop.

Ann said...

Thanks. It is happy.

Ann said...

Oh, I'd love to see yours. Write a post sometime, please.
I love drunkards path. Have started many but never finished one.

Ann said...

Thanks, Lara. They are pretty and fun. I was surprised how many different shades of white there are.

Ann said...

Well, this is my entire collection of whites. Ha.
Thanks, Em.

Monica said...

I thought this was smaller, but with 9" blocks it's a nice size! I like your templates, I think they give a more polka-dotty feel, with more of the background showing. What would you say was the main thing you learned in class? You will have a nice memento of it with this quilt. :D

Quiltdivajulie said...

I really, really like your version -- and that it is related to but different than Freddy's.

Ann said...

Thanks, Monica. I've been thinking perhaps I'd have preferred the medium colors as background. But this is growing on me. I already knew how to sew curves although I enjoyed learning Freddy's method. The main thing I learned in this class was using her color palette. And I'd decided that would be my focus before the class so I was paying special attention throughout the class. I am not complaining; I'm explaining: many of these whites aren't bright enough, I figured out why most of my fabrics don't look right with black-and-white fabric, and how to work with pure colors without creating a childish quilt.
And of course, we always learn by looking at what everyone else creates. A good day.

Ann said...

Thanks, Julie. I am glad it's not an exact copy of Freddy's. I don't believe I would have figured all this out about pattern variations if I hadn't used a different template set. This in itself has been enlightening. And Freddy is a delight. Double win.

Nancy said...

What a wonderfully fun quilt! So many brights and so many lights and they're all gorgeous together. Were those circles hard to sew? I've never sewn quilter circles but have been thinking about it.
--Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Your quilt is looking great! I like your low volume selection, quietly busy but still achieving that neutral position with your brights, a nice change!

linda said...

I love your rendition. To me the difference is that you used dark for circle and light/med around it - Freddy used the opposite - at least on the one you linked to. If your outsides had been darker you would need to lighten the circle (but kept center med). Personally I love your rendition.

linda said...

And - I love these kind of discussions - very interesting to hear people's critiques and thoughts on the process of making a quilt after its been completed.

audrey said...

Amazing what a difference the size of template makes! It completely changes the impact of the circles against the background! I like your version with more color than black and white for the backgrounds. It's all busy, but it works very well together!

Mystic Quilter said...

I love your take on this design by Freddy even though I always love her bold colours. The eye has a place to rest in your version. I;m looking forward to watching progress here!

Monica said...

Thank you, Ann, that is very helpful! Looking at your quilt, and the link to Freddie's quilt, I think the secret is in the darks. Something to keep in mind!

Nifty Quilts said...

It's turning out great! Your use of contrasting values really makes this quilt.

Ann said...

They aren't that hard. Freddy's method works very well. I've sewed lots of curves so I had my own. And there are more examples on YouTube. Just takes some practice.

Ann said...

Thanks, Linda. It's been interesting to see the differences a few template changes make to a quilt.

Ann said...

Thanks, Linda. Freddy's actually made every color permutation of this quilt. I think you're right about the color placement changes needed for a medium background.

Ann said...

Me, too. I'm not whining or complaining. It's a critique and evaluation. Much as I wish it, I don't believe everything I make is perfect. It's more fun to think about possible improvements and changes.

Ann said...

Exactly, Audrey. That arc is only 1/2-1" narrower but what a difference.

Ann said...

Thanks, Maureen. It's been fun to work on.

Ann said...

Thanks, Monica. Somehow the values seem different (harder?) with all these dots.

Mary Marcotte said...

What a beauty! The fabrics work so well together. You found a great balance with your mix of color and the black and white pieces. The brilliant part, though, is your use of value and colors in the circles themselves. Fabulous!

Ann said...

Thanks, Mary. Sorting the values was part of Freddy's workshop.

Kaja said...

This is all so interesting - I like your blocks better en masse, the more you have done the more this has grown on me. I looked at Freddie's quilt too and am left reflecting on your point about our stash reflecting who we are: you have ended up with a very 'Ann' looking quilting to my eyes. It makes me think about buying colours because they are different rather than because I like them the best!

Ann said...

They do look better now that there are more of them, although still a bit too much grey and browned whites. Freddy's darks are also brighter and lighter than mine. I like her range and division although I didn't think it would work with my fabrics. Perhaps I just needed more time to sort them. (Something to ponder.)
You have a point, these are still my fabrics. When I compare hers and mine, it's very obvious which is mine and how it differs. It has been fun to work with a different palette and surprising to find that it still says, "Ann." Lots of good lessons from this class.

Sew of Course said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful class, and I love the blocks. It's surprising how a small variation in sizes (here amount of background and circle size) can make such a big difference. Freddie's one you link to has the colours as the background, and the whitish fabrics as the arcs, that makes a huge difference to the effect, too!

Ann said...

Yes, exactly, Sandra. These seemingly minor changes cause major differences in the quilt. It was interesting to figure this out; I'm glad you found the discussion enlightening.

Nicky said...

It is different but it still looks fabulous! I love to add my own twist to a pattern - looks like you have done that! Thank you for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

Stephie said...

I love the way this is developing Ann, so you!