Saturday, September 8, 2018

Clearing the Scrap Bag

It's too much effort to go through the stash although it desperately needs straightening. Clearing the scrap bag is easier. There are lots of whites, lights, and clear colors that remind me of spring or early summer.

And I figured another way to sort the scraps for a Coin quilt. First I separated them by color then assigned each fabric to one of three groups. Each has the same number of fabrics in each color but they are different fabrics. Does that make sense?

Here's what I have so far. It's only two of the three groups and needs work. Obviously. I pinned the sheets together to get to the length I want but don’t like how they are arranged currently.

Chinese Coins XI in progress

This is the last top I'm making for the very delayed demonstration at my guild. It was rescheduled to next week. I've already given several of these quilts away; I always do. I had to make some more to have variations to show.

Enjoy the day, Ann