Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Why Do I Ever Think Construction will be Easy?

"Opportunity's favorite disguise is trouble."
~Frank Tyger


Another baby quilt will be needed next month and even though there are ten previous stars, I thought up  another Lone Star variation. Small stars in the corners and partial stars on the sides means it won't need as much of a single fabric for the background. 

Last time the mother wanted mint and coral. This time I'm not asking. There's several mints in my stash, one red, and a couple of red diamonds leftover from previous Lone Stars. Using those as a start, I added some greens and a dark print to round it out. 

Fabric choices for Lone Star quilt

Even though the additional stars in the corners is a traditional design, I want the main star to read more contemporary so I chose to cut the light green print into long parallelograms rather than diamonds. Then I placed some darker fabrics on the outside and tried several variations of reds for the center.

The centers of these Lone Stars vary in the arrangement of red and pale blue diamonds
Laying out Lone Star variations

Thinking the center was complete, I looked at two minor variations on the outer row and didn't like either.

Turquoise and dark green alternate in these two layouts for the outer row
Two variations of the outer row of the Lone Star quilt

Finally I decided they were in the wrong place altogether. Exchanging their location with the light green parallelograms made an enormous difference. But back to the drawing board to get the center correct. 

Lone Star 11 comparing center changes

Finally it's time to place stars around the sides. Remember the small diamonds were cut from 2.5" strips so they finish at two inches. That makes the corner squares 11.25" finished so the outer diamonds are slightly larger. I cut mine 2.875" to finish 2.375". Then I had to determine the best placement. 

Of course, I thought more red would be better but that was a mistake. None of these photos shows a complete layout. They are just to get an idea of what looks better. I occasionally use a folding mirror to "see" the entire idea. It saves laying them all out.

How much red does a border need?

And here's the final layout. Way less red than I'd ever have thought. 

There is a good mix of new and very old fabrics. Traditional, conversation, and contemporary. I like the touches of red paired with a range of turquoise/aqua values. The dark print adds needed depth and the Kona white background makes it all so clear.

Lone Star 11 quilt - mint and red

This quilt has been loads of fun to create but it was not the cakewalk I expected. Simply using a new collection of fabrics {even if some are leftovers from previous projects} changes the needs of the quilt. It's always good to keep an open mind. 

Last week Nann's husband offered an extra copy of String Too Short to be Saved {the story I mentioned here.} What a surprise to find a very large and heavy box on my doorstep two days later. I knew the book was fairly small and couldn't imagine what was in it. Look! Three bags of scraps, too! It's a treat to receive some new fabrics to work with and is sparking my imagination.

I enjoy having my own copy as it's worth rereading regularly. And now there are some new scraps for my next scrap quilt foray. Thanks, Nann!  

Fresh veggies

The squash and beans have been coming in. What fun to run out and pick fresh vegetables for lunch. My friend gave me several varieties of beans including these purple ones that turn dark green when steamed. 

Voting and Census

Our national election scheduled for November 3 is 91 days away, just less than three months. The deadline for registering is fast approaching and is a prerequisite for voting. 

Help your community by completing the Census and encouraging your neighbors to do so, too. It helps support hospital services, transportation funding, and other community projects as well as Congressional representation. Everyone who lives in the US counts in the Census whether they are a citizen or not because everyone who lives in the US impacts the infrastructure. The current Executive branch recently decided to close the Census early (September 31) so please help everyone you know complete it. 

Enjoy the day, Ann


Julierose said...

Beautiful Lone Star--nice mail gift --WOW 3 bags of scraps what fun!!
Stay safe
Hugs while waiting for Isaias Julierose

patty a. said...

Do you think Frank Tyger would mind if I added to his quote by saying "opportunity's favorite disguise is good trouble" as a nod to John Lewis? :) What a process you went thru to end up with a fabulous baby quilt top! Just enough red and I really like the aqua tips on the green.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful baby quilt, no matter how you got there! Hooray for Nann's happy mail.

cspoonquilt said...

Ya gotta get the colors 'right ' on a lone star to really make the shape pop so all that auditioning was important! The blues and red really work! That's one lucky baby!

Juliana said...

Thank you for always including information about voting.

Janie said...

You're so good at Lone Stars, even though there is difficulty they turn out fabulous!
And that's a great quote thanks.

Robin said...

It was fun to watch this quilt develop. Each change made me very thoughtful. . . you came up with just the right selection and variation of this pattern. Nice job. Black/green beans, that's new to me. I'm pickling beets today, the beets came from the garden. Every little bit processed adds up.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A beautiful baby quilt! I love that playful circle effect around the center big star, I stood back from my computer to see it better!

Preeti said...

Lone Star 11? Did you say ELEVEN? That makes you the Lone Star Queen. Thank you for sharing your process and decisions. Love the final result. It is really beautiful. Stay safe, Ann.

Ann said...

Thanks, Julierose. Yes, I was very fortunate to receive Nann and her husband's unexpected gifts. I hope the power is back on at your house and that you are all safe.

Ann said...

Clever of you, Patty. I think you've made a new saying and I love it!
It's funny how the fabrics drive their own placement on these Lone Stars. This has become a favorite of mine. Although each one is the new favorite. Ha.

Ann said...

Thanks, Julie. And I love the phrase, "Happy Mail." It was.

Ann said...

You are so right, Claire. It wasn't the slam dunk I expected but did turn out well. I think the family will like it, too.

Ann said...

Thank you for voting. We can't have a democracy if citizens don't vote.

Ann said...

Thanks, Janie. I'd like to make more because they are just the right size for baby quilts. That quote is extremely timely - especially with Patty's additional twist.

Ann said...

Thank you, Robin. We do enjoy studying the process. And it's so easy with digital cameras when I remember to take photos. The green beans are the best I've ever had and it's because they were picked half and hour before eating. I'm sure your beets are fabulous.

Ann said...

Thanks, Linda. You noticed. I wasn't sure anyone else would.

Ann said...

They make great baby quilts now that I have the cutting sizes down. I hope you and Paul are safe, too.

Nann said...

How did you decide what to take to your summer location? When my husband and I were commuting (I went to see him on weekends) I might pack a project to take but I also kept a box of scraps at the parsonage for just-in-case. Glad the book has a new home!

Ann said...

I have supplies in both places and bring the current project. The book is wonderful.

audrey said...

We've been getting lots of wonderfully fresh vegetables courtesy of my daughters lush garden. So nice to add to the dinnertime options! What a great looking baby quilt, this time with the very special stars around the focal point. Do your baby quilt recipients know how spoiled they really are? Lone star quilts are quite complex as you so adroitly point out through the layout/auditioning pictures. I hope they are appropriately appreciative.:)

Ann said...

That's better than growing your own. Lucky you, Audrey.
Most of the parents aren't quilters but I have the fun of making them and try to give them to people I know better. I think your baby quilts with applique are even more special, though.