Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Playing in Knickers

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; 
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. 
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
~George Bernard Shaw


Ballplayers wear uniforms on the field so it can be hard to differentiate them but I wanted to try. Several recent {and many past} Giants players wear knickers. The top half is the same but I redrafted the legs. The pieces are casually set on the background but don't they look delightfully alive. I love the casual way he's standing but it would require appliqué and I'm piecing this. 

Baseball player in knickers

Here's a right-handed baseball player in knickers. Pieced and ready to go.

Baseball player in knickers sewn

This is so much fun! What else can I do with nine men out?

It is so hot. We had a couple of weeks of rain but now it's terribly hot and dry. The weeds grow but the plants we purchased wilt if they aren't watered daily. Watering and weeding takes lots of time so I haven't been quilting as much. We are having salads and iced drinks every meal to keep the heat out of the house.


M.C. Beaton (aka Marion Chesney) is another writer I've enjoyed in the past but haven't kept current. With so much time on my hands, I'm restarting the Hamish Macbeth series with Death of a Gossip. which concerns the death of an extremely unpleasant woman during a week of salmon fishing  classes in Scotland.

Enjoy the day, Ann


Julierose said...

Love the knickers look...really cute player you've created!
Red Sox actually won last night!!
hugs, Julierose

Shelina said...

Love the baseball players. Improv piecing might help with the casual look.

LA Paylor said...

so hot here too. Good thing there's no global warming, right?
what fun sewing, and reading. DH read all those books. We watched the series on Hamish MacBeth a long time ago too.

Quiltdivajulie said...

The knicker-ed look is definitely fun! And I have been reading much more than earlier in the year. We cook outdoors which helps a LOT (aside from the microwave in the kitchen).

Robin said...

I love the fabric for the socks. He looks pretty dapper.

Kaja said...

Oh, I like this. I love how the first chap (pre-piecing) has such energy, but the second one is still very appealing, the knickers (that's underwear here) are very smart.

audrey said...

Its too bad the casual pose wasn't so much work. Your details are coming together very nicely though!

Preeti said...

They are handsome and fun to hang out with too, I am sure :-) I am smiling as I type.

QuiltGranma said...

And The Pride of the Yankees too!

Mystic Quilter said...

Such a fun block Ann!

patty a. said...

It is funny how some ballplayers like Jim Thome wore his pants like knickers, but others like Manny Ramirez had his so long they covered his shoes. Did you know that when a ballplayer wears his pants long he still have to have on the official long stocks that go up to their knees? I wonder who looks to make sure they are wearing the correct socks? LOL!!! Your knicker ballplayers look good!

Ann said...

It’s fun to figure out ways to draft these nine guys. Congrats on watching your team win.

Ann said...

Next time I’ll try to figure out a livelier way to piece these blocks. Baseball is my favorite sport.

Ann said...

I haven’t seen the series. Didn’t even know there was one. And yes, good thing there’s no climate change. This is a month to stay inside and read.

Ann said...

Thanks, Julie. It’s fun to figure out how to piece these guys. We are having lots of cold meals while it’s so hot. Stay cool.

Ann said...

Thanks, Robin. I wasn’t sure how that would work. It’s a funky batik that rarely gets used.

Ann said...

Thanks, Kaja. The first guy has more life. I’ll have to think about how to piece these next time. You know I’ll be making more since all my family wants one for their own team.

Ann said...

I’m thinking about how that could possibly be pieced, Audrey. We are so lucky when our fabrics fall in such interesting ways.

Ann said...

Playing with these guys indoors is a way to get through the heat. Good to hear form you, Preeti.

Ann said...

Lou Gehrig! We all admire him.

Ann said...

It is, Maureen. The perfect project for these hot days. And we watch baseball most evenings.

Ann said...

I didn’t know they all have to wear knee socks, Patty. No wonder the smart guys want to wear knickers.