Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Wordy Decisions

Progress always involves risk. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.
~Frederick B. Wilcox


Taking things slower helped me find the correct words for the back. Some of my ideas were listed here. It was important to me that it relate to the Giants so Babe Ruth and League of Their Own didn't make the cut. Yes, Yes, Yes was a Giants slogan in 2015 and 16. But when I realized how well the Giants fit into the 7th inning stretch song, that decided things. 

That three yards of orange batik is coming in handy here. My first thought was using different background fabrics but Cathy's post changed my mind.  I want this to be highly visible... so everyone can read it without their glasses. 😊A consistent background will help.

Filling between letters, words, and rows takes time... and may take every scrap of this orange. At every step, I put it back on the floor to check the spacing. It's all improvisationally pieced. No measuring although it is cut with a ruler.

My solid black remnant was used up for the team name. I considered purchasing more, then realized the name would stand out if the other words used a print and a smaller font. So that was another easy choice... and used more stuff lurking in my stash. Hooray.


For several years I've intended to read This Book is Overdue by Marilyn Johnson and finally did this summer. 
This Book is Overdue by Marilyn Johnson

Each chapter illuminates how librarians adapt to the digital age. Marilyn celebrates their service to truth, free speech, and inclusion. Very well written but I wish I'd read it when it first came out. Things move so quickly now that many tools are out of date already. I will look for more books by her.

Enjoy the day, Ann


patty a. said...

That lettering is a lot of work and fiddling around, but it will so be worth it when it is done!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Free pieced liberated letters ALWAYS take 3-4 times as much fabric as we "think" it will -- but making do is just part of the process and makes for a much better end result. LIKE what you are doing!

Nann said...

Amen to the challenges of lettering. But it's going to be perfect for this quilt!

Julierose said...

Love your baseball wordy quilt!! Especially that orange backing each letter--beautiful work on this one...hugs, Julierose

Cathy said...

Great choice for words and your liberated letters look so good!

I have three UFOs that I would like to finish up that need words. I usually use Tonya Riccuci's Word Play Quilts book as a guide to making my letters but am not really very good at it and so I procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate! I did figure out that if I figure out my words or phrase and then figure out how many of each letter I need then I can make all of that letter at the same time so that seems to go quicker for me.

Robin said...

This is so much fun. The orange sherbet fabric make me want a creamcicle.

audrey said...

Your letters are looking very good. It really is a time consuming endeavor, but it does get easier as you slip into the groove of it all. It will look fantastic for your quilt!:)

Ann said...

You would know, Julie. I always enjoy rooting through my stash to see if anything will work. Thanks for the encouragement.

Ann said...

Thanks, Nann. This quilt is great fun to plan and work on.

Ann said...

Thanks, Julierose. I bought the orange for the front sashing but didn’t need it. It’s certainly coming in handy here on the back.

Ann said...

Thanks, Cathy. I quickly realized it would be easier to make all the same letters at the same time rather than in the order they are written. Glad to know we think alike.
I don’t have Tonya’s book. It’s out of print but should look for a copy.

Ann said...

Thanks, Robin. I used to love Dreamsicles.

Ann said...

Thanks, Patty. So true. It’s a good project for these hot days and it just makes me laugh.

Ann said...

I just read your post and saw your fabulous quilt. Love the angled lines of words, the way you used those melons, and the way those odd greens set off all the sashing. Making the letters was slow at first but it got easier as I went along. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement, Audrey.

LA Paylor said...

wowie! Different in a way from your usual but it's still the puzzle you put together isn't it?

Ann said...

I’ve only made a couple of quilts with words and they are all on the back. Next time I want to write on the front.

Mystic Quilter said...

You're very brave with all of the piecing involved in the words!!!

Ann said...

It’s a nice little challenge and I really want to put these words on back.