At a time when so much evil exists, we have to take good care of love.
~from Seaside Hotel
Haha. It worked pretty well. All except the outer round. Each round is narrower than the previous but I thought the last round would be too small so I repeated the size of the penultimate round. Mistake. Not terrible, but it loses some of the effect.
With much grumbling, I found just enough of that green to create a smaller round. Do you see the difference the new final row makes? All the greens curve inward instead of having the final round seem to curve outward {although it doesn't.}
The discards are set aside for a future play date. There's no more of the green center string so I'll have to get creative.
Interfaith minister Barbara Becker who volunteers with hospice and helped her parents through their final days, wrote about "living with the end in mind." Recognizing we will all die can help us live our lives more fully and remain connected to our loved ones. It's a thoughtful book that I found worthwhile.