Saturday, January 2, 2016

Red Circle Days - Quilty365

Thanks to Audrey's Quilty365 I'm rediscovering hand applique. Like so many others, I sew one circle a day... and I'm up to date.

Some backgrounds are pieced; some circles are pieced.

Red Circle Days - Quilty365
through December, 2015

Some days there is too much to do to choose a fabric. Those are my "red circle days." One small circle for every day in a row I'm busy or sick. It reminds me of Red Letter Days although being under the weather is not exactly a "red letter" event.

Other people appliqued multiple circles to a single background. I think they are counting the backgrounds. I'm counting the circles! Is that too didactic? Or cheating? That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

See many more wonderfully inventive variations of this project at Audrey's Quilty365. There's also one more day to add your improv work to AHIQ, too.

Enjoy the day, Ann


Liberty said...

So cute!
Meilleurs vœux pour 2016 !

Quilting Babcia said...

Fabulous fabrics you've selected for your circles - I hope you don't have too many red circle weeks, they don't sound like much fun!

linda said...

I am just starting. I love yours - confirms my leaning toward using different colors for backgrounds. Thank you for sharing.

Monica said...

It is so fun to see all these Q365 projects! Those little red circles really make you wonder -- what's going on there? Anything that gets the viewer thinking is a good thing, in my book. Good job keeping up, it looks great!

Susan said...

Love this one! Don't know that I would have that much patience for that many circles though.

Ann said...

Thank you, Laure. Best wishes for a happy year to you, too.

audrey said...

What a great idea! The red circles are going to be your own personal message.:)

CosoQueTeCoso said...

Te está quedando precioso!!!

Mystic Quilter said...

Good idea to have more than one circle here and there - you're going to reach your target first of all I think. I am starting this week.

Ann said...

I hope there aren't too many red circle days either, but it's good to have a plan. I like the small bright circles, an uplifting respite.

Ann said...

Oh, these are so much more fun than I ever expected. And it's extremely interesting to see how much variety different quilters put in their circles. I'll look for more from you soon.

Ann said...

Everyone interprets these simple shapes so differently. Thanks for the compliment; I do like adding interest.

Ann said...

Thanks, Susan. I'm surprised I joined this one, too, but there's amazing variety in the way each quilter interprets this project.

Ann said...

Thanks, Audrey. I like the scale change but it really happened because I was out sick for a week. So sick I didn't even look at fabric. This was the quickest (and fairest, perhaps) way to catch up. Now I have a little pile of small red circles in a bag for the next time.

Ann said...

Thanks. I'm enjoying mine but am also amazed by the wonderful diversity of everyone else's.

Ann said...

Thanks, Maureen. I'm only sewing one circle for each day but I'll have fewer squares in the end. With all your gorgeous fabrics, yours will be a delight to see!

Cathy said...

The red letter day idea is so much fun! (But too bad you were sick then...hope not to see any more red letter days).

Ann said...

Thanks, Cathy. It seemed like a good recovery from days in bed. ;-)

Kaja said...

Great plan and the patches with many circles are very striking in the mix. As always your ability to make something coherent from lots of disparate elements is really impressive.

Teresa Duryea Wong said...

Interesting idea. I checked out the link up and I like you color and layout the best. You've started a great project. Good luck.

Doris Perlhuhn said...

These colors are great! And that´s a good idea these red circles. Last weeks - holiday weeks I had to struggle to do my circles.

LA Paylor said...

I like this so much. So much. LeeAnna

Ann said...

And I like your collection of blues. I'm not much of a QAL joiner so it's been especially fun to see how varied each person's interpretation becomes. There are many things I don't do well but I always believe I can pull loads of fabrics together... Not sure if I could do two or three, though.

Ann said...

Thanks, Teresa. I'm not much of a QAL joiner so this has been very enlightening. Everyone's interpretation is so different. BTW, you should check out Stephie's at Dawn Chorus Studio. Hers are absolutely fantastic IMO but she didn't post this month.

Ann said...

Thanks, Doris. Getting sick at the beginning was a blessing in disguise as far as this project was concerned. Now I don't feel like I cheated if I didn't pull a circle each day; it becomes a "red berry." Ha.

Ann said...

Thanks LeeAnna. Almost as much fun as your flamingoes!

pandchintz said...

Love your philosophy, Ann! And love your different sized circles too.

Ann said...

Thanks for writing. These circles are amazingly fun; everyone has such a unique take on them.

Iherba said...

Hola Ann, gracias por tu visita y comentario. Me ha encantado tus circulos, están llenos de luz y energía. Mi caja de Meninas, con el tiempo será pequeña y tendré que buscar una bolsa de plástico, jejeje. Un saludo

Turid said...

Just lovely.

Maryse said...

It looks fantastic!! You chose a fabulous color palette. It's exciting to see how everyone's project is growing as more circles are added every month. I love the red very much ... Too bad it is associated with you being sick. :-(

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I am so happy to hear that Audrey has "revived" your hand applique appetite. It is so relaxing isn't it? I love your circles!

Ann said...

I can send you an entire package of ziplock bags but they won't have your style. ;-)

Ann said...


Ann said...

Thanks, Maryse. I like seeing everyone's work, too. And I love red; it turned a negative into a positive.

Ann said...

Yes, Audrey is my internet applique pusher. ;-) Her work has so much joy. These little circles are a great way to get back into it. Thanks for writing, Wendy.

Mel said...

What a fun year long project...I especially like the variety in your blocks with multiple circles/sizes. Once done, I imagine it would be fun to reflect back on each circle and the past year!! Can't wait to see it grow!!

Ann said...

Thanks, Mel. I agree; it will be a diary.

liniecat said...

Absolutely wonderful circles - what fun this is !!

Ann said...

Thanks to Audrey, we're all having a blast, aren't we.

Shelina said...

Ann, you're so smart! That is a great idea to count the circles instead of the backgrounds. Keeps the quilt from getting too big and helps you visualize when you were super busy or sick. Your circles are so round! I am going to copy some of your multiple circle ideas. I'm behind but I was thinking about making a larger background to represent more than one day, but right now I figure I will catch up eventually. I'm loosely interpreting time. :)

Ann said...

Thanks, Shasta. That's one of the reasons I started the berries; the final quilt will be smaller.

Stephie said...

Oh, thank you so much Ann! Did I not post? Oooh er, how did I miss that!

Stephie said...

Right Ann, finally I'm feeling well and Kim has taken his demands and disappeared with his friends for a few hours, which means I have some quality time to catch up with you properly! I love the way you're going about your circles. I think you had some good foresight with the 'red illness' circles!!! After my recent cough and cold I decided to take a leaf out of your book and made up a small batch of pieced backs, just in case I need to catch up again at any point in the future! I really love your circles that are on a mottled pink background, is it hand dyed? It looks it! Really soft and subtle :)