Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Time to Sew a Top

You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.
~C.S. Lewis~

You know the drill. Sew the blocks into columns; sew the columns into pairs; repeat until the top is done.

Sewn. Wow. These colors look like stained glass.

A rainbow of colorful fabrics makes this simple pattern into a stunning quilt.
Hourglass quilt in solid fabrics

I'm not sure what quilting will enhance/ complement this design.

Enjoy the day, Ann


Hubblebird said...

I love this quilt. If I ever got enough solids together to do the same, I would quilt in the ditch vertically, horizontally and cross hatch and just let the fabrics sing (as they are without quilting).

Gale Bulkley said...

It is a beauty. Orange peel would be lovely.

patty a. said...

So pretty! You had just enough of the yellow and that light green to have a nice area that glows against the mediums and darks.

Terri said...

Stunning quilt! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Rose Marie said...

Wow .... great looking top! Yes, the drill is the same, but the final look .... oh my!

Quiltdivajulie said...

OH WOW -- this one is beyond glorious --- Congratulations on a beautiful top. Quilting? Simple is better - perhaps nothing more than vertical or horizontal organic "straight-ish" lines.

LA Paylor said...

eeek, me either on the quilting design. It's so cool Ann. Something curvy and graphic.

gayle said...

I'm usually not much for solids, but this could change my mind. Stunningly glorious!

Sophie Zaugg said...

It's beautiful Ann! I would simply quilt straight lines so that the quilting would not distract from the piecing design.

em's scrapbag said...

I struggle figuring out how to quilt a quilt. You will do a great job! It's a beautiful quilt!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Wondeful! The yellows look like the sun filtering through, very effective!

Kaja said...

Wow! This is so simple: solid fabrics, single block repeated, and yet it turns into something beautifully complex. I've been looking at it for ages and keep seeing new combinations I like, areas where a particular colour fades in and out, changes in the shading of your reds. Nice work!!!

Preeti said...

Whenever I swing by this side of the worldwide web to your neck of the woods...I am never disappointed. Gorgeous in its simplicity. Spectacular fabrics. Love it!!!

Marie said...

It really does look like stained glass - gorgeous!

Mel Beach said...

This is absolutely stunning!!! Your colors/placement just sing!!

Barb said...

Love it! so bright and fun!

Pam said...

Totally Stunning!

Cathy said...

It glows! So I'll give it a glowing review!

I found it interesting that you sew blocks into columns and then sew columns together. I sew rows and then sew rows together.

Nann said...


Ann said...

Thanks for writing. That’s the plan I’m favoring.

Ann said...

It would but I wonder how much the quilting will show on solids. Every wobble might stand out. But orange peel is beautiful.

Ann said...

Thanks, Patty. Yes, I got lucky.

Ann said...

Thank you, Terri.

Ann said...

Thanks, Rose. It’s turning out well.

Ann said...

That’s a good idea, too. Thanks, Julie.

Ann said...

Quilting choices are always difficult for me. I wonder how much more the quilting will show because these are solids. Nowhere to hide. Eeek, indeed.

audrey said...

Simply stunning! It not only glows, but it practically vibrates with wonderful energy and flow! You make me want to rush out and buy a whole stack of solids!:)

Ann said...

You are very kind to write, Gayle. Thanks.

Ann said...

Thanks, Sophie. I am leaning to SID because everything else seems to detract from the design.

Ann said...

It's such a difficult decision for me, too. Always tough until it's done. Thanks for writing.

Ann said...

I am amazed how lovely this quilt looks. It seems like a sketch instead of a top. Thanks, Linda.

Ann said...

I enjoy working with lots of fabrics because the results are so amazing. Things we wouldn't put in a group of five become fabulous as one of a hundred. Watching the colors fade in and out pleases me, too. This one will be hard to give away.

Ann said...

How kind of you, Preeti. It was a quick and easy quilt to make.

Ann said...

Thanks, Marie.

Ann said...

You are the design champ but I do like playing with colors.

Ann said...

Thanks, Barb.

Ann said...

Thanks, Pam.

Ann said...

You are so funny, Cathy.
When I started quilting as a kid I read that sewing columns strengthened the finished quilt. Not sure if that's true but it's still what I {usually} do. Isn't it interesting how individually we approach our work?

Ann said...

Thanks, Nann.

Ann said...

It turned out better than I expected. It will be a bit difficult to give away but I think I'll make some more like this... and some like yours. So many quilts so little time.

Mystic Quilter said...

Ann hope you receive this comment, blogger is playing up!!
You have a glorious quilt here, full of life, colour and movement. If it was mine I couldn't bear not to keep it. I'm waiting now to see you you quilt it.

Ann said...

Your comment arrived. Thanks for writing. I'm glad you'd keep it, too. I feel so selfish because I'm making it specifically for a friend. So I will {sadly} give it to her. Hopefully her daughter will like it as well.

Nifty Quilts said...

Fabulous, Ann!! It's amazing how a simple block can create such a stunning result in the right hands.

Ann said...

There are so many examples of using simple blocks, both vintage and new. The constraints of one block and solid fabrics made exciting work. This is one of my favorite small quilts and I hope to use this style more.