"The danger is not that America will collapse into a Depression tomorrow... The danger is that the paralysis of the American political system - its inability to tackle any big multigenerational problem anymore - will just very slowly erode our strengths and assets as a society. We will slowly choke off immigration, slowly give up our commitment to free trade, slowly allow the budgets for research in science to decline, slowly let our public schools slide into mediocrity, and only slowly face up to our energy challenge."
Thomas L. Friedman
Hot, Flat, and Crowded, p20, 2008
Friends are a blessing. The blue striped yardage from Kaja that was used to bind the Froggy Star reminded me of Tethys Waves because it's in the same family of blues. There's enough to appliqué triangles over those gaping white triangles on the sides. But then... Thinking about the AHIQ flower challenge, a better solution presented itself. You guessed it. Flowers. A small bit of red batik scrunched under some larger pieces lurked in my stash. Ah, the joys of cleaning house... Well, at least of cleaning the sewing room.
Half flower pinned on the sides |
Can you tell I don't appliqué much? That's a lot of pins. But this time I wanted to see the result before sewing everything. See, this old dog can learn a new trick. After pinning three red petals and adding a blue center to one I can tell the idea works. It tones down the gaping white triangles while blending with the floral theme of the red squares.
Half flowers added to Ocean Waves |
It's only eight half flowers. How long could it take? Knowing myself, much too long if handwork was involved. So these were blanket stitched by machine in matching thread. Done it a couple of hours.
Tethys Waves quilt top with side flowers |
Now to find a back. And consider whether or not to add a border. And figure out a quilting design that won't take the rest of my life.
Off the Bookshelf
I enjoyed the Lady Astronaut series so much I picked up Shades of Milk and Honey, too. It's the first of an older series by Mary Robinette Kowal set in Regency England with a small twist - magic exists. Threads of glamour can be pulled and twisted to created visible images. Young ladies of quality are expected to practice this talent along with painting and music.
Mary credits Jane Austen as her inspiration. While not as complex and deft as Jane's novels, it is an intriguing read that reminded me of Rick Riordan's first book, The Lightning Thief - another clever first book developing a coherent alternate world - that should improve throughout the series. Definitely worth the time.
Enjoy the day, Ann
Off the Bookshelf
I enjoyed the Lady Astronaut series so much I picked up Shades of Milk and Honey, too. It's the first of an older series by Mary Robinette Kowal set in Regency England with a small twist - magic exists. Threads of glamour can be pulled and twisted to created visible images. Young ladies of quality are expected to practice this talent along with painting and music.
Mary credits Jane Austen as her inspiration. While not as complex and deft as Jane's novels, it is an intriguing read that reminded me of Rick Riordan's first book, The Lightning Thief - another clever first book developing a coherent alternate world - that should improve throughout the series. Definitely worth the time.
Enjoy the day, Ann
I would have machine blanket stitched them too! This top is coming along nicely and you seem to be making decisions quickly and moving forward to get it done. That blue stripe is pretty fabric. Looks like you could end up with another finish for 2019!
Those roses just add the right amount of breathing space from the intensity of all those lovely HST's. ;)))
hugs, Julierose
I do hand work if I want it perfect, or want to do handwork, or want it to puff up more than machine work. Your flowers are a good addition, imho, and I like that you too need to see it before deciding it works. The first quote, is so strong and was so right. That's what's happening and it makes my heart cry. The other day I remembered each morning in grade school, standing for the pledge of allegiance and meaning it. I remember also singing a patriotic song each morning. Some may call that old fashioned.
The eight half flowers fit right in, good addition.
And the book Shades of Milk and Honey where 'magic exists' and threads of glamour can be pulled and twisted sounds like an intriguing read. The idea of creating alternate worlds is something I think we all actually practice, our own versions of reality.
Your flower addition in the setting triangles is absolutely perfect! What a great whimsical touch and I love that you kept with the original fabric. Really ties things together so well. I pin my applique a lot too. However it works best is what's important!:)
Oh, hand work always takes longer than you think it's going to. The flowers add so much to the quilt. Good idea!
Wouldn’t that be nice to have another finish this year. I’m just glad it’s moving forward.
Thanks, Julie Rose. I think they tone down the white spaces on the side.
I'm glad someone else has trouble seeing what applique will look like. what amazed me about that quote is that it's almost 10 years old. We haven't progressed the slightest, have we?
Thanks, Janie. I like those flowers too. The book interested me because glamour sounds like they're creating a fabric and making something with it. Isn't that what we do?
Thanks, Audrey. For a while I thought I should simply replace those white triangles on the side but this is a much better solution. The borders now fit the rest of the quilt and, as you wrote, add a bit of whimsy. Glad to know you use lots of pins, too.
My last quilt handwork took about thirty years so I'm very cautious about planning any more. I'm glad you like the flowers, too.
Ann I'm only just catching up but great to see Tethys Waves again and the half flowers were just meant to be there!
Thanks, Maureen. It's good to know you feel the same way I do about the flowers. Those bare triangles really needed something.
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