Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Fabrics for the Back of Optical Illusion 2

The game isn't over till it's over.
~Yogi Berra


Remember this top from spring? It’s a game that isn’t over even though it was “rain-delayed”. I meant to quilt it immediately but got sidetracked by finding all those Ocean Wave units. Who’d have realized it would take all summer to finish one OW quilt? And it's still not done; the weather is simply too hot to work on it now. 

Junk lying around bothers me. Unfinished projects and excessive amounts of materials become junk. Yes, I’m a minority voice but stuff that’s not being used weighs on my soul. So the OW quilt is folded but visibly present so I'll restart it this fall. Meanwhile, there are other projects to push over the goal line. 

For this quilt I had to dig through the boxes to find something for the back. A soft, pretty front calls for a congruent back and these birds fit the bill. Needing more width, I chose this soft yellow. It’s new fabric I purchased on sale because I was completely out of yellow. It was difficult to use something that haven’t been “aging in place” for year but I really want a pretty back, too.

These are now sewed together and the layers are pinned. Quilting next; most likely a spiral. Let’s see if I can whip this out before then end of the month. No rush. I’m saving this quilt for family: they’ll like the soft colors; I like the illusion.

Why is there so little work this period? Mainly because another Christmas stocking was needed. They seem to get more colorful over the years. (That black thing at the top is a comet.) It still needs jingle bells but they haven't arrived.

Each stocking takes about a yard of fabric and hours of work. This is the eleventh I've made. I'm wondering who in the family will continue these? A devious plan is forming in my mind. When they come for the holidays, I'll set them to beading some of the simpler shapes. Next year they can learn how to sew the stocking. Bwaa-ha-ha.

The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore

During these hot summer days I read two "library" books. In The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore, a young librarian starts an impromptu book club with an elderly patron who's become almost bedridden. As more misfits join, they rediscover the book that resonates in each of their hearts. 

Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall

I purchased Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, illustrated by Yas Imamura, for my grandchildren and of course read it first. Maggie tells how her grandparents met in the library of a WWII incarceration camp. The afterward shares historical information and photos. We should all read it.

Enjoy the day, Ann


Robin said...

I'm not surprised it took so long to put your Ocean Waves quilt together. I think that's why I've never made one - it looks like it would take a long time. I love the bird fabric, nice choice. I'll have to check out the two books you suggest. They sound like joyful reading. I don't want to read anything complex right now. There's too many other things vying for my attention.

Julierose said...

Op 2 is so neat!! And I also hate to have "UFO's" hanging about--altho' you'd not know it with the state my room is in right now!!:(((

I need to finally get all the boxes and bags of fabrics out and sort and reorganize them so I can really see what I have on hand after my two de-stashing sessions. I foresee more "stash bashing" in my future...just too too much of a good thing. Hugs Julierose

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A pretty backing underway! And I love all your details on the Xmas stocking.

Nann said...

So nice to see your post, Ann. The backing fabric complements the quilt. What fun to have personalized stockings. Thanks for the book recommendations!

Preeti said...

Those birds are adorable. I have added "Love in the Library" to my list. Have a great weekend!

Mystic Quilter said...

I have always enjoyed seeing your Optical Illusion quilts come up in your posts, I love the soft colours in this one and your choice of the little birds plus the solid for the backing is delightful! Looking forward to seeing the finish.

Marie said...

Oh my goodness, I love your Optical Illusion - the colours couldn't be more perfect as is the backing. Good on you!

patty a. said...

That bird fabric is so cute and will look great on the back of the Optical Illusion quilt. That Xmas stocking is wonderful and delightful! I love that they are getting more colorful. I think it is a great idea to teach other how to do the beading and then graduate to sewing.

Kaja said...

Nice backing choices, and I am glad this quilt is moving closer to a finish. I agree with you about junk sitting about: if there's too much random stuff it gets into my head. I always feel much better after a good clear-out.