Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Jane Sassaman Workshop Projects Finished

I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he would spend less time proving he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.
~E.B. White


Jane Sassaman is a fabulous teacher. While I would have preferred to take a week of classes from her, even one day was great. She shared details of every step to complete a quilt in her style from design to construction to quilting. This was the sample I made in class. As Jane told all of us, enjoy the process; this is not an award-winning quilt. That freed me up to absorb as much of her technique as possible. 

Quilt Specifics
Size: 18" x 30"
Design: Mirror Image Applique, Jane Sassaman workshop
Batting: Mountain Mist Cotton
Thread: Superior cotton 12-wt and topstitching threads in various colors
Quilting: Walking foot
Approximate yardage: about 3 yds

When I returned home, there were so many leftovers - each already prepped with interfacing - that I decided to make something to use them up.  The peach background was the one fabric I too to class but didn't cut. That became the background by default. I gave the bright yellow to classmates; it turned out to be a good color to add pop. And I lost most of the light green. I guess I dropped it on the way out. 

There were some big chunks of purple and black but the greens were already long, narrow cuts. 

Quilt Specifics
Size: 18" x 18"
Design: Applique, original design
Batting: Mountain Mist Cotton
Thread: Superior cotton 12-wt and topstitching threads in various colors
Quilting: Walking foot
Approximate yardage: about 2 yds

My zinnias are flowering profusely and the butterflies are frequent visitors. A giant swallowtail comes by for every meal currently.  

Enjoy the day, Ann


patty a. said...

I have been thinking about you and was wondering how you were doing with the hurricane situation. The floral piece reminds me of coneflowers; it turned out wonderful! Love seeing the butterfly. I haven't seen the bigger butterflies yet this season coming for a meal at my coneflowers.

audrey said...

Woww! The first quilt is very striking! What a great opportunity for you. I also am really enjoying the details in the second quilt, especially the curled stems etc. Something to consider doing more of in my own work!

Nann said...

I love the Jane-inspired coneflower bouquet!

Nann said...

P.S. I'm surprised you didn't turn the coneflowers into Bramble Blooms II.

Mystic Quilter said...

Perfect words from E.B White at the top of your post - I couldn't agree more!! So pleased you're showing your quilt from your Jane Sassaman workshop - I still find my eyes heading straight to the owl. I'm missing my zinnias - long since gone but lots of seed to plant in a few months time, so many colours and they last so long.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I really, REALLY like the second quilt you made with the leftovers! And that zinnia/butterfly photo is excellent.

Sujata Shah said...

The class quilt finished quite well Ann, so did the leftover project.
The zinnias - I need to plant early next year since it might be a slower year. Keeping my fingers crossed.