Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bramble Blooms 1 Quilted

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
~William Arthur Ward


How grateful I am to Audrey for hosting the Bramble Blooms QAL. Having done one myself I know how challenging it is to plan for students with varied skills, to explain each step, to answer questions, and to simply get it all together. I adore applique but don't do much so this QAL was the prompt I needed to try it again. Thank you, Audrey!

Not only that, but I used many of the last color group in my old stash - pink/coral/orange. Most other colors are seriously depleted; I can purchase some new fabrics {although I'm trying to be more selective.} What was that acronym? SABLE? No longer a problem for me... as long as I don't go wild replacing it.

Another part of my plan to use everything is to try to finish each quilt as it's made. This was a bit difficult with the Jane Sassaman workshop one month and a visit by Sujata Shah the next. 

Sujata stayed with me before speaking to out guild. We became friends in California; it was delightful to have her visit here. Lots of time to chat, sew, share ideas, and cook.

Here's the final quilt with a more restrained color scheme. 

Bramble Blooms #1 QAL

The first border is leftovers - Coins and wonky stars. Not exactly what Audrey suggested but they turned up and fit better than anything else.

The second border uses QSTs of a variety of coral/pinks and whites. It's stitched-in-the-ditch along the edges then I came back and sewed a diagonal from point to point. The white strips on either side came from an old shirt. 

The center area is spiral quilted. I purchased two-and-a-half yards of pink for the back - a privilege since most of my fabrics are used up {or in the stack for BB2 & 3.} 

Years ago I quit putting labels on the back. Even with archival ink, too many of them faded over the years. My sister offered to embroider some but I usually prefer to free-motion sew my name and date using a narrow zig-zag. You can hardly see it since I usually match the thread to the fabric; however, that green shows up on the back so people know it's there. 

I intended this narrow red and white stripe for multiple bindings but it sat in my stash for years. Because it's so narrow, the fabric looks pink against red borders. Since this border has reds, corals, and pinks, this was the place to use it. Only three more yards left. Haha. 

Finally, here's a visual review of the outer border. As you can see I have a plethora of crossroad blocks. I pulled many colors for the first attempt but decided it took attention from the center. 

Next I pulled all the  "dark" and"blue" backgrounds out. This version is quieter but still too loud {IMO.}

Looking back at the first photo, you can see I pulled more blue and dark X's out. The finish suits me but that doesn't mean it's what you would choose. Isn't it great that we can all follow our own tastes. 

Quilt Specifics
Size: 59" x 59"
Design: Medallion with applique center based on Bramble Blooms QAL
Batting: Mountain Mist Cotton
Thread: Superior pink, yellow, and white cotton threads
Quilting: Walking foot and free motion
Approximate yardage: 7 yds

Prevous posts:

Enjoy the day, Ann


Julierose said...

Beautifully finished, Ann!! I love how you used what you had to hand and fitted it all together so well...Hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

What a pretty and fun quilt! You did a wonderful job meshing together all those colors and prints! Finishing the quilts rather than letting the tops pile up is smart. It's too easy to move on when a top is done.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Fabulous finish - and a great post detailing your process. I appreciate that! And how grand to have had Sujata stay with you. She's such a gem.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You definitely ended up with the right selection of blocks for the final border. I love the colors in this one.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your artistry shines in this quilt. The way you melded all the elements to create a cohesive and beautiful whole is just outstanding! I love this!

Marie said...

LUUUUUUV! It is just wonderful. I live for the day when I can relax enough into this style of quilting.

RobinaS said...

Lovely quilt! The colours provide just the right amount of contrast and unity. I particularly like how the second border relates to the first and third. Colours from the first and diagonal shapes of the third.

Juliann in WA said...

This is just wonderful! I have my BB1 all basted but will be hand quilting so it will take awhile. I loved the close up of all the parts of this quilt. Well done!

Nann said...

Ann, it turned out so well! Thanks for showing the decisions made along the way.

Robin said...

You are an inspiration to the rest of us. I love how this turned out. And I'm so impressed with your stash usage. I've come a long way using up my stash and finishing UFO's in the last two years but I've still got a ways to go.
Great Post.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A lovely quilt Ann. Lots to look at, each border flows cohesively onto the next. Good to finish it while you are focused & in the mood. I seem to focus on creating with fabric & enjoying the journey, sadly I’m not very speedy with quilting.

Mystic Quilter said...

Beautiful quilt and I love your "more restrained" colours here. You couldn't have gone with a better design for the border.

audrey said...

Your Bramble Blooms turned out so well! I just love the happy colors in it, really makes for a cozy feeling. I'm so glad you went your own way and listened to the quilt. It looks like it was meant to be.:) And how wonderful that you got to spend time With Sujata! I bet that was great fun. Probably could have visited with her for days.:)

Preeti said...

This qualifies as Maximalism. Modern Quilt Movement comes full circle :-)